About Me

Georgia, United States
Hi everyone.
I'm LaTasha && I'm 18. I just recently started sewing and doing other crafty things in my spare time. I have a blog for my crafts; Angeliq Creations, pronounced Angelic. And I have a blog about zombies; A Zombie Outbreak.I love zombie movies and horror films. I'm interested in directing and I have a youtube for that; www.youtube.com/angeliqueproductions I guess I would say I'm creative? I'm also into writing. I currently have a book I'm working on and hope to finish sometime in the future. Please leave comments or whatever you'd like. Thanks for veiwing my blogs. [: -- LaTasha Angelique

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Diary of the Living..

Written by.... I don't actually know, someone from Yahoo Answers..

Day 1: I wake up to the screams of my neighborhood. The zombie apocalypse is upon us. I take what supplies i can up stairs. after gathering my parents, and my best friend, w ego upstairs. using and axe, we destroy the staircase. we are safe. for now.

Day 2: We cataloug what we have. Water is still running, but we fill tub and any recipticles we can find just in case. We have enough food for a week, week and a half tops. we have 2 pistols (silenced), 4 machetes, 4 knives, 3 rifles, and 1 sniper. we have enough ammo if we have to make a run for it.

Day 3: The zombies haven't discovered us yet. But our neighbors were not so lucky. That night we heard their screms as the zombies murdered them.

Day 4: Water has stopped running. Not good. If we get to low on water, we may have make a break for it. Food is holding up well.

Day 5: The zombies found us. But they cant get up the stairs. good thing we demolished them. We have been listening to the radio. The world has official annonced a pandemic and say they are trying to stop it. We can only wait.

Day 6: Thats it! Enough is enough. We have decided to make a run for it. We know a secluded island that we can reach with our boat. only problem? The boats 4 miles away. 4 miles of zombie infested land. This may be my last entry.

Day 7: We barely made it! Dear god it was horrible! We had to fight through people who we used to know. Friends, family, even if we didn't know them it was horrible. But it was them or us.
Day 8: We see the island. We dont know if the infection has spread, but we hope its not too late to start our new home. We're going to wait a day to scout the coast.

Day 9: No zombies, just blissful peace. We have recieved transmission from other survivors. We have given them our postion. They will be here shortly.

Day 10: Three ships arrived, all containing glorius humanity. We have finally escaped. We have eaten the undead army. We have a civilization now. Please any survivors contact us!

Day 11: Another ship approaches. Its deathly quiet as it touches down. People take up arms, cautious. Then we all hear the horrible insidious moan. The fights not over yet..

Transmission Ended

Any suggestions to this person? Any changes you would have made or disagreements you have?
Without a doubt, the story was interesting. I could see this at the beginning of a zombie movie.
As for the story line, no criticism from me, and the literature was good. Anything from you?
Want to share your own zombie tales? Comment them and they might end up in a post to be discussed. :)


Some questions.

I just recently finished a book, Generation Dead. It was really interesting and I can't wait to read the rest of the series by Daniel Waters. I also read the blog supposedly written by a boy in the book, Tommy Williams, called MySoCalledUndeath, which can be found simply at www.mysocalledundeath.com
As if I was overly obsessive with the ideas and movies about zombies, this just increased my obsession and gave me the idea to start my own blog. I'll write more later.

Please if you will answer the questions below. I'm really interested to see if others share my love of the zombies. :) I have answered these already, as you can tell. Just delete my answers and replace them with your own. :) Thank youu.

In the event a zombie outbreak occurred.....

1. Do you think the zombies would be brain eating, flesh hungry, blood thirsty creatures?
- In a 'real zombie outbreak', meaning the living dead, maybe. I'm not so sure the virus case they would be though. Who knows? The infected could still want flesh though, you know?

2. Do you think they'd be more of the outraged type?
- Maybe. I'm not quite sure how I would image this though.

3. Would they be fast? Slow?
- Most definitely slow. Unless indeed they were the outraged kind.

4. Smarter? Stupider?
Not stupid, just mindless. :)

5. Would it be the traditional 'get bitten, out of luck' zombie, or the zombies that rise out of the grave? Or one of the less common, 'no matter how you die if you do you're still coming back' zombies?
- I think the traditional works just fine. I'm not really into the grave poppers. And I think the zombies should at least have a reason of coming back to haunt us, such as a virus, or something in their blood, but not just because they died. :)

6. How would you react?
- I would be like, "See I freaking told you it could happen!"
Then I'd be like, 'Crap, there's zombies outside."
Then I'd more more like "OMG! We're all gonna die!!!"
THEN I think I'd be like. "Psh, I got this."

7. What would you do?
- I would do all I just stated in #6 first. After that I'd find some some things for weaponry and gather food and other supplies that we have here at home. I would probably suggest we go to Wal-Marts and take all the food and weapons we could get. Then I'd most definitely look into taking all the gas cans and filling the gas cans and the tank, maybe even car tools and oils and things of that nature too. You never know what you'll need. I think I would also get a camcorder, just to document the event. I think it was be important to remember. After leaving Wal-Marts we would go pick up family and friends unless we picked them up on the way to Wal-Marts.
Then I would find someplace that looked like it was be a suitable place to set up a fort while waiting on the army that would probably never come, but at that point we'd find another plan to survive. Did I forget anything?

8. Who would be the first person you checked on, if anyone?
First I would check on my mother. Then I'd probably scream down the stairs for Misty and Rafa to get their butts and their kids up there. And I'd get Kita, also. No one else is usually here other than them.
I'd try to get my doggies if that were possible. :( I'd hate to see anything happen to them.. ever. :/

9. Where would you go?
First, Wal-Marts.
Then pick people up such as friends and family.
Then I don't know. Somewhere safer than where we were.

10. What would be your transportation?
Probably the stupid van that hardly works. Ugh. Unless we all carpooled in one of the relatives big vehicles. We would need a couple vehicles though for everyone, and the supplies. I would just hate separating people in an event such as zombies. I believe in the saying "Safety in numbers."

11. Do you have a plan in place already?
I would like to think everything I just wrote was a plan.
Maybe this was a stupid question. Originally before I answered those, I did not have a concrete plan thoughh.

12. Do you think you would survive?
I think I could for a while.

13. Who would you dread losing the most to a zombie attack?
My mom.. After her, the babies. After that I can't choose people over one another.

14. Do you really believe a zombie attack could happen? Why? How?
(example: a virus, nanobots.. ect.)
-Please give scientific reasons if you have any.

Possibly. I think a virus could do it. If you read the link, 5 scientific reasons a zombie attack could happen, in the left column, then it gives some other ideas. I just think the most plausible would be a virus.

15. Would like to see a zombie attack in your lifetime? Why or why not?
It would be cool in a way but in others not.
Like in one way I could say "I told you so." and just the possibility would be extraordinary, but in the other I would hate seeing people dying and suffering and having a hard time surviving.. ya know.. :/

16. Do you like zombie movies?
- Do you have a favorite Director/Producer/Writer?
- Whats your favorite series?
- Your favorite movie from that series?

I absolutely LOVE zombie movies. Apparently I have an obsession. I mean this IS my blog. Hah.
I think George Romero is boss.
Night of the Living Dead series by Romero, is most definitely my favorite series.
Dawn of the Dead or either Diary of the Dead, I can't decide.